DIY Valentines For Everyone On Your List

Valentines Day is a great excuse to use your crafty skills to share your love with those around you. We've compiled some great DIY Valentines Day ideas for everyone on your list!
For Your Sweetheart
We love this. Your sweetheart is sure to feel the love with such a thoughtful gift! The tutorial suggests pinpointing places you've visited together, but you might try switching it up with places you've lived together or even the locations of your first meeting, first date, etc. How many hearts would you need?
Tutorial by Michele Venlee
For Your Friends
Show your amazing friends some love and appreciation! These to-die-for bath bombs are made with dried rose petals and eucalyptus essential oil. Your pals will really feel (and smell) your love for them! Tutorial by Camille Styles.
For Your Crafty Friends
There are a million ways to say I love you, but we think one of the best ways of all is through a clever and crafty pun! Get the printable here.
For Your Kids
Put these out on the breakfast table with some strawberry french toast roll-ups to start Valentine's day off on the right foot! Free printable by LiveLaughRowe.
For Teachers
Create your own label and fill up a jar with some "pills" of choice. Teachers are sure to get a kick out of this simple and humorous gift.
For Yourself
Treat yourself to an amazing milkshake bar complete with an obnoxious amount of toppings and fillings. You deserve it.
Happy Valentines Day! We'd love to hear about how your crafty valentines turn out!
- Tags: holiday
- Ashley Puriri