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Who said you need just one?

Who said you need just one?

What happens when one ScrapBox isn't enough? 

While an individual ScrapBox offers a generous amount of space and organization for the typical crafter, some multi-crafters have found that having two separate workstations can be an absolute game changer. 

Customer Setups 

Nancy S. from Texas sent us these incredible photos! She calls it her "miracle craft room!"

"The Workbox is dedicated to the crafts I do most: Left side is beading and jewelry, right side is yarn arts.  Sewing box left side stores paints, brushes and decoupage papers and stencils for upcycling furniture. Right side is my limited sewing articles." 

Dawn W. in Nebraska has another breathtaking craft room. The Ultimate SewingBox and The WorkBox 3.0 sit side by side! See some of the amazing things she makes and a craft room tour on her Instagram @thelittlestdetail and website. Click HERE to see her MTM feature! 

Caren K. sent us these fantastic pictures of her two WorkBox 3.0s and said, "I love that I can have my craft supplies 'out in the open' but without anyone knowing!!" We just LOVE her set up! 

Keshela W. said she has the Her HobbyBox and Ultimate SewingBox side by side in her bedroom. She told us, "my husband is just as happy as I am!" 

What are YOUR unique organization goals? 

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  • Ashley Puriri